Dry Eyes
Dry eyes are quite common in a general population. The most common cause of dry eyes can be excessive contact lens wear.
We’ve put together some tips for how to treat dry eyes.
1. Eye Drops
This simple, easy solution easily resolves dry eyes. Choose the “ultra lubricating,” high-performance eye drops. We will also provide our recommended list of the best eye drops for patients that you can choose from to find the best eye drops for you. For many patients, using preservative-free artificial tears is an excellent choice
Use your eye drops every hour or less often works well.
If dry eyes persist, we will recommend medicated eye drops. Because some eye drops contain corticosteroids, medicated eye drops are ideal for short-term relief but are not workable for long-term treatment. Some drops enhance your own tear production. We will determine if these will work well for you and will prescribe, if necessary.
2. Punctal Plugs
Punctal plugs can be collagen or silicone. Punctal plugs are used to block the drainage causing dry eyes. This keeps the tears on the surface of your eyes for longer. Collagen punctal plugs block the tear drainage ducts for several days, then begin to dissolve. The plugs fully dissolve after ten days.
Silicone punctal plugs won’t dissolve but will instead stay in place indefinitely. Silicone punctal plugs provide an ideal semi-permanent solution for your dry eyes.
3. Scleral Contact Lenses
If you’re experiencing dry or burning eyes that are not relieved with artificial tears, medications, punctal plugs, and/or modifying your environment/life style, scleral contact lenses may be an option to provide relief. Scleral contacts are larger than regular contacts and cover more of your eye. This keeps a layer of tears between the lens of the eye and the cornea, and their design keeps the tears your body produces in contact with your eye. This helps to ease burning or dry eyes.
4. Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated helps to prevent your eyes from drying out. If you’re well hydrated, symptoms of dry eyes are less severe. In conjunction with other tips on the list, staying well hydrated helps prevent dry eyes.
5. Get More Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Whether you add more fish into your diet, such as salmon, to get more omega-3 fatty acids in the food you’re eating, or you start taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements, this substance helps keep your eyes well lubricated and prevents dry eyes.